SELECTIONS delves into the world of acquisitions, exploring what museums and galleries have been adding to their collections in the past five years as well as featuring images and summaries of works and artists.

Bio: Lebanese, B. 1957
Title: Eclatement, 2020
Medium: Acrylic and graphite on canvas
Size: 2x (73 x 73 cm)
Acquired by: Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris
Artist represented by Galerie Janine Rubeiz, Beirut
Acquisition date: 2020
Inscription type: Signed on verso
Hanibal Srouji, Eclatement, 2020. Acrylic and graphite on canvas, 2x (73 x 73 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Janine Rubeiz
Hanibal Srouji, Eclatement, 2020. Acrylic and graphite on canvas, 2x (73 x 73 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Janine Rubeiz

Artist statement

“Somewhere in the Orient lives a beautiful bird with celestial songs…” So began a tale… somewhere in the Middle East… where birds of admirable
colours and beautiful songs are raised and fed. They are kept in golden decorated cages as a symbol of our own freedom. These references are at the origin of a series of paintings under the title of “Cages”, by Hanibal Srouji, of which this present artwork is part. “Éclatement” presents a pendulum movement between the two square canvases that constitute it.

The body, here, is the ‘subject’ of exploration, in what this painting exposes: marks and slow nuances on the surface, a diffusion of light which defines this diptych, as it appears in constant evolution. The body, an ethereal presence explored, is defined through lines, voids as well as intangible connections between the marks. Hanibal Srouji addresses in his artworks the notions of memory, exile, fragility, and freedom. His artwork attempts at materialising his quest towards “weightlessness.” “One way or another, the painting is still in the making.” said Srouji. “Its full temporal presence is not yet complete.”

Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Janine

Bio: Lebanese, b. 1931
Title: Maternity, 2017
Medium: Chinese ink on canvas
Size: 150 x 100cm
Acquired by: Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris
Artist represented by Galerie Janine Rubeiz, Beirut
Acquisition date: 2020
Inscription type: Signed on bottom right
Laure Ghorayeb, Maternity, 2017. Chinese ink on canvas, 150 x 100 cm. Credits: Mansour Dib, Courtesy of Galerie Janine Rubeiz
Laure Ghorayeb, Maternity, 2017. Chinese ink on canvas, 150 x 100 cm. Credits: Mansour Dib, Courtesy of Galerie Janine Rubeiz

هي من تمنح الحياة

منذ عشرات السنين وكلمة االم وما تمثل لي ولذرتي يبقى اسورة صغيرة تتلخص بكلمات تعني الديمومة
المتالحقة عبر العصور ومتماسكة ومتشعبة ومنتشرة في مناطق مختلفة تنقسم الى اساطير دائمة تواكب النجاح
واالختراعات واالنكسارات والتنوع والتكاثر والزوال واالنبعاث, وكأن الحياة ال يمكنها االستمرار ان تراجعت
االمومة عن القيام بإعطاء الحياة مهما كانت الظروف والتاريخ والديمومة..

وفي التعريف اإلنساني الخاص, االمومة هي االختباء تحت فستانها الطويل, وانا اتكلم عن المرحلة التي كنت
فيها صغيرة )ولدت في نهاية 1391 ,)وعرفت الحرب العالمية الثانية, واختبأت تحت تنورتها عندما كانت
طائرات الحلفاء تقصف الفرنسيين الذين كانوا من جنود فيشي في دير القمر.
اخاف من العتمة؟ فستان امي يؤمن لي الخالص.. في الليل وفي النهار الملجأ الدائم يقبل اللجوء السريع اليه
تفاديا لألسوأ

اما الفرح فهو المترجم في حبة “البونبون” التي تعيدها إلينا نحن الصغار من زياراتها القليلة جدا. ولكن الفرحة
ال تدوم.:كنت اقدم واجب العزاء. وفي العزاء ال تقدم الحلويات.
امي كانت وال تزال بالنسبة الى عمري المتقدم جدا, حية او غائبة سوى في الذكريات, االمل لمن وهبنا هللا
إياه. وتكاثرها وقد تستمر امال الغد لدى الشعوب الى دهر الداهرين

لور غريب

Credits: Mansour Dib, Courtesy of
Galerie Janine Rubeiz

Bio: Syrian, b.1991
Title: Auto-portrait, 2020
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 114 x 146 cm
Acquired by: Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris
Artist represented by: Saleh Barakat Gallery, Beirut
Acquisition date: 2020
Anas Albraehe, Auto-portrait, 2020. Oil on canvas, 114 x 146 cm
Anas Albraehe, Auto-portrait, 2020. Oil on canvas, 114 x 146 cm
Copyright: Agial Art Gallery and Saleh
Barakat Gallery




SELECTIONS is a platform for the arts, focusing on the Arab World.

Selections editorial presents a quarterly print magazine and weekly online publication with high quality content on all subjects related to Art and Culture. Full of world-leading artworks, exquisite brand imagery, original creative illustrations and insightful written articles.
Selections Viewing Rooms presents carefully curated online art shows aiming not only to shed light on contemporary art executed by living artists, but also for viewers to buy contemporary fine art, prints & multiples, photography, street art and collectibles.
Discover the previous and current shows here.
Cultural Narratives foundation is an extensive collection that is travelling the world by leading established and emerging talents aiming to reflect the culture of the region in their works.

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