Ecem Dilan Köse, Cryptomarble. Courtesy of Akbank Sanat
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Now in Digital Art: Alternate Realities + Nft Exhibition is organised by Akbank Sanat and includes the works of 24 talented artists focusing on art, technology and society. Some of the works were produced for the exhibition and are meeting with their audience for the first time. Even though the works have different stories from each other, they all tell a common story when they come together. Inside this story there is a chapter on NFT.

From the exhibition text by Zeynep Arınç:

Now In Digital Art: Alternate Realities + NFT exhibition, curated by Zeynep Arınç and curation consultancy of NFT works undertaken by Assoc. Dr. Selçuk Artut, presents different perspectives on the inspiring world of today’s digital art.
Who am I? What will your virtual self look like? How will you sound? You don’t need a body; you can be a floating point of view. You can be the mad hatter or you can be the teapot; you can move back and forth to the rhythm of a song. You can be a tiny droplet in the rain or in the river; you can be what you thought you ought to be all along.
M. Benedikt, Virtual Worlds, pg.372
If you can’t give me poetry, can you give me poetic science?
Ada Lovelace
Nothing is as it was anymore.
In every sense, we are too far from Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. Since Vitruvian Man was drawn in the journals of Leonardo in 15th century, man’s relation with both himself and the universe has gained a new dimension. While humans shape the technology, we also witness that it is in turn shaped by it. While our ways of living, thinking and being change rapidly, we all feel that we have stepped into a new phase in our lives and we are constantly updated, upgraded and learning to adapt to this rapid change.

Now in Digital Art talk series, which we prepared for Akbank Sanat YouTube channel in 2020; we interviewed the artists who work, think and produce in this field, whose works we know closely. The aim was to listen their artistic journeys, sources of inspiration, new topics, current projects, their advice for young artists and the developments that art awaits after this period we live in. The series, was taking a snapshot of the “MOMENT” in which today’s digital art is in and with time will undertake the task of creating a memory. Now in Digital Art talk series continue with an exhibition this year.
The exhibition aims to create an exciting art space for art lovers, while featuring works of art that bring creative thoughts and practices focused on art, technology and society to life, and topics that occupy today’s art world. In the exhibition, Assoc. Prof. Selçuk Artut is the curation consultant of NFT. The talk series titled Conversations on NFT and the Block-Chain accompanying the exhibition aims to delve deeper into the subject under the lens of different perspectives and artistic views, while addressing an objective approach.

Artists: aliottoman (Nura Aliosman), Alp Tuğan, Burak Beceren, Burak Şentürk, Can Büyükberber, Candaş Şişman, Dist Collective, Dolce Paganne, Ecem Dilan Köse, Elif Varol Ergen, Haydiroket, Juki, Kien, Kübra Su Yıldırım, Mekazoo (Derin Çiler), Mert Tugen, Osman Koç, Ozan Türkkan, Selçuk Artut, Selin Çınar, Tolga Tarhan, VAMK (Uçman Balaban), Yağmur Uyanık, Yiğit Yerlikaya

The exhibition is on view until the 7th of May.



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