Rima Chahine at Andakulova Gallery

Rima Chahine at Andakulova Gallery

 Andakulova Gallery Dubai, hosts the solo exhibition, “Almaz”, of Rima Chahine at their gallery space from May 5 2023, to June the 5th.  ‘Almaz’ has multiple meanings, among which are “attractive” and “charming”. Its contents live up to the title at their fullest.

Rima Chahine is a self-taught Lebanese-Canadian artist. And an award winner, she explores the human condition through abstract art in vivid colours and bold brushstrokes. Her art has a dual message: she puts out her personal experiences in it and is sure they will resonate with those of others.

Portrait of Rima Chahine

“After my separation, I found myself raising my two young sons alone in a foreign country. It was a lonely and challenging time, but in my solitude, I discovered the mitigating power of introspection and forgiveness. Today, my healing journey remains a priority for me and my sons, and it is reflected in every piece of art that I create. I am good at understanding the psychology of people, and it is shown in my art.” – Rima Chahine.

Her previous positions, which include degrees in communication, art and business journalism, as well as work experience in PR and events, also have helped her engage with people and their psyche. It is to her credit she turned personal dejection into delectable art.

Romantic glare, Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2018

Chahine’s tableaux are undeniably emotionally evocative. They explore experiences that have peppered her life, and are used as a vehicle to link with the emotional cores of others. It also allows her to associate collectors with her artwork. “Each painting has a message, a name, and an interior,” Chahine says. “I can tell which painting is right for someone. When I meet someone, I know where they are in life and can see what they want, need and which painting would match their character.”

Chahine’s Lebanese-Canadian background has allowed her to travel between the East and the West; her art has been influenced by the both the winds of the East and the sails of the West.

She is a symbol of the best the East and West can offer. That she is being hosted by Andakulova Gallery adds more heft to herself and her art, since the gallery itself has been established to promote the dialogue between the Middle East and Central Asia.

Sun chasing, Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2018



Almaz, Rima Chahine

Location:Andakulova Gallery Dubai

Duration: May 5 – June 5, 2023



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