Sultan Bin Fahad
Sultan Bin Fahad was born in 1971 in Riyadh, where he lives and works today. His atypical background, with studies in business administration, sets the tone for his distinctive artistic practice. Bin Fahad considers art as a journey between intangible memories and tangible cultures. Throughout his abstract paintings, sculptures and installations the central theme and object of concern remains spirituality and the material culture of his native Saudi Arabia.
Reinterpreting histories, stories and narratives with the use of material cultures, bin Fahad transposes these narratives to contemporary cultures as a reassessment and personal take on Islamic Art. Themes central to his practice revolve around repetition, sound and movement, using symbols that derive from Islam. In his ongoing photographic series, Bin Fahad invites the viewer to reflect in unconventional ways on the space between human interaction, faith and reconstructed memorabilia.
Connecting past to present, his stories evoke multi-layered journeys between the latent relationship of what is remembered and what remains silently contained within the corporeal. Most recently, he has combined traditional metal work with architecture by sculpting a series of minarets, invoking man’s relationship with Islamic cities.
Bin Fahad has presented solo exhibitions in Riyadh, Jeddah and Abu Dhabi, and has participated in several group exhibitions in both his native Saudi Arabia and internationally. His work was acquired by the Palestine Museum in 2016 and Guggenheim Abu Dhabi in 2020.